Sightlines Tours 2020
Enjoy these video-recorded and written versions of Student Guide tours from Spring 2020.
Sightlines Tours
Olivia Brandwein '22
Student Guide, Spring 2020
Everyday objects go far beyond their function, through both the beauty of their forms and the personal meanings we attach to them. Enjoy this colorful pop-up book tour exploring how everyday objects can be art, as well as how contemporary artists can transform utilitarian things into thought-provoking artworks.

Maggie Kamb '21
Student Guide, Spring 2020
How do we depict deities and idols? What qualities do we associate with them, and how are these qualities represented visually? Crossing geographic boundaries and various mediums, this tour will examine art from the Renaissance to the contemporary, looking at how figures are glorified and worshipped through the visual arts.

Maryam Ware '22
Student Guide, Spring 2020
On this tour, visitors will explore how the theme of freedom is expressed through art. We will consider how freedom affects people on an individual as well as collective level, leading to an appreciation of different artists’ perspectives and perceptions of what it means to be free.

Phoebe Pugh '22
Student Guide, Spring 2020
Memory comes in many forms. It is woven into our identities, our histories, our religions, and our personal lives. Visitors on this tour will explore art from multiple time periods and places, considering how as we examine individual visions of the past, we are also creating shared memories in the present.

Sarah Dauer '20
Student Guide, Spring 2020
The objects on this tour, from different time periods and using different mediums, have “lived” like bodies, born as something outside the context of a museum. We will explore how the idea of afterlives can be manifested in five different objects, considering how we are surrounded by “ghosts” of the past.

A'mara Braynen '22
Student Guide, Spring 2020
“History continues into the present and implicates persons still alive.” -Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory (Third Edition)